Song of the day 7.28

I don’t know if you know this about me or not… BUT, I like Madonna. Like a lot. Some may even say I have a serious over appreciation of her talents and abilities. Check the title of my blog… a play on La Isla Bonita, Belize City is on a peninsula… get it?

WELL… my project is officially over, and Tommy and I are headed to SAN PEDRO! Thus… the song of the day: La Isla Bonita. I couldn’t decide which video to post, so the first one is from her Drowned World Tour, which I saw in New Jersey with my best friend from high school, Natalie. The second is from Live Earth featuring Gogol Bordelo, and it’s equally good. You can see why I was torn.

July 28, 2009 at 4:43 pm 1 comment

Rotary Club Belize

This morning Julianne, Lindsey, and I got up extra early to attend a sunrise meeting of Rotary Club Belize. We were invited to attend by a Mr. Gill Williams who also happens to be a mentor with Youth Business Trust Belize. We had the chance to talk with the Rotarians about our IPSP projects and future/potential partnerships with the Clinton School. While we were there we got to hear all about what the Club has been working on and what it has accomplished recently around Belize City. We also heard about an initiative from a member of the Cayo/San Ignacio Rotary. The Canadian government has donated hundreds of refurbished computers to the Rotary for schools and is working with Rotary to train teachers who have not necessarily completed teacher training. There’s lots of exciting and good work going on in Belize! Rotary in the Mornin'

July 22, 2009 at 12:15 am 2 comments

I like this.

St. Ive’s Apricot Scrub.
This stuff has done amazing things to my skin during the week I have been using it daily. The climate change did a number on my face. For a while my it looked like a plague zone and I was getting a little nervous about it. I thought even though I just turned 26, my face may have been reverting to childhood, more specifically to puberty – before I had a handle on skin care. I even almost considered having some Proactiv shipped down here to calm things down. But that was never necessary because St. Ives has worked a miracle on my once pizza-like face.

July 20, 2009 at 7:51 pm 1 comment

pic of the day 7.17

just like Chik-fil-A

just like Chik-fil-A

July 17, 2009 at 10:46 pm 4 comments

Even more Belizeans for Obama

T-shirts: *33
Baseball caps: 3
Yard signs: 2
Bumper stickers: *5
Biden lives!: 1
Framed Portrait: 1

*Visor: 1

*Mini Obama flag that hangs from the rear view mirror: 1

*Wall: 1 (see below)

Pay no attention to the woman in the window.

Pay no attention to the woman in the window.

T-shirts: *33
Baseball caps: 3
Yard signs: 2
Bumper stickers: *5
Biden lives!: 1
Framed Portrait: 1

*Visor: 1

*Mini Obama flag that hangs from the rear view mirror: 1

July 16, 2009 at 9:46 pm Leave a comment

An Endorsement

Ladies and gents, may I introduce to you a new category on the La Peninsula Bonita Blog…. endorsements! The people, places, things, and ideas in this category are those that I can cosign on, those that I like would recommend you experience too, those that are, in the words of Martha, good things. I could go on. Without any further ado, the first endorsement from La Peninsula Bonita.

The Hotel Mopan is a quaint little hotel in Belize City on Regent Street. The Hotel Mopan

This endorsement is completely unbiased and has nothing to do with this:


July 13, 2009 at 12:39 am 1 comment

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